Acne in Teenagers and in Adults


Acne in Teenagers
Due to the hormonal changes they experience, teenagers are more likely to develop acne. Most teens who develop acne have the milder form, called non- inflammatory acne. Hormonal disorders can complicate acne in girls.
If are a teenager and you have acne, you have a lot of company. About 80 percent of all teenagers develop acne, but the disease may also start as late as age 25 or 30, particularly in women.
Acne in Adults
Just when you thought your "bad skin" days were over, adult acne strikes. Just when you've successfully navigated the ravages of adolescence on your skin, you wake up and find acne.
There are various causes of adult acne. The new trend in medical circles is to discuss acne as a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or menstrual periods can cause or contribute to acne. Also, hormonal changes related to starting or stopping birth control pills can also cause acne. Excess emotional strain on the body can contribute to hormonal changes that have been known to cause acne as well.
Adult acne is different from teenage acne and therefore your treatment approach should be different.

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