How to Get Rid of Gas and How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat For Women Fast


 How to Get Rid of Belly Fat 

Although more fat accumulates on the buttocks and thighs however, studies indicate that abdominal fat is accumulated, more leading to hypertension, high cholesterol levels, diabetes and insulin resistance syndrome and cardiovascular diseases,why scientists believe increase the width of the waist can be is a key indicator of underlying health problems.

Causes lead to flatulence
-Extravagance in food rich in fat and calories.
- swallowing air while eating as a result of eating quickly 
- eat a hearty meal last day.
- sleep after eating.
- excessive eating beans that cause bloating.

What is gas?

Gas (flatus) is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. All people pass gas, some people more than others. It is normal to pass gas from 6 to 20 times per day.

What causes gas?

Common causes of gas include:
 Swallowed air. If swallowed air is not burped up, it passes through the digestive tract and is released through the anus as flatus. Excessive air swallowing may cause hiccups.
  • Foods and beverages. The amount of gas that different foods cause varies from person to person. And the foods that produce gas with odor may be different for every person too.
  • Constipation. This can cause bloating but generally does not increase gas.
  • Medicines or nutritional supplements. Both prescription and nonprescription medicines, as well as dietary supplements, can cause bloating and gas as side effects.
  • A medical condition, such as a bowel obstruction or Crohn's disease.
  • Changes in hormone levels. It is common for women to have bloating right before their periods because their bodies retain fluid.

Seven Ways to Get Rid of Gas, Bloating


1- Keep a food diary. Beans are famous for causing childhood entertainment, but many other foods can cause gas too.  A sudden increase in fiber intake, while it may be healthy, can make it very dangerous to take long rides in the car (especially with others in the car).  Write down what you are eating and see if you can find the culprit.

2- Reduce dairy intake. People who are intolerant to the lactose sugar found in dairy products like milk and ice cream may want to limit their consumption of these calcium-rich products to yogurt or aged cheeses, which may not be as bothersome. Products such as Lactaid or Dairy Ease may also help.

3- Tighten dentures. Like chewing gum and drinking out of straw, loose dentures may cause people to too much air.

4- Avoid carbonated drinks, limit gum-chewing. The carbonation in soda and other carbonated beverages can cause bloating and discomfort. “When you drink something that’s carbonated, you’re taking in gas and that gas has to come back out,” Foxx-Orenstein said. Likewise, chewing gum causes the chewer to take in excess air. And the sorbitol used to sweeten sugarless gum can also cause digestive problems in some people, which can lead to gassiness.

6-Slow down. People who eat too fast or do a lot of talking while eating also take in lots of air. So slowdown and keep quiet, said Foxx-Orenstein.

7- Stop smoking. When you smoke, you take in air that is supposed to directly go to your lungs. However, since you're essentially inhaling air via your mouth, it is inevitable that some will find its way to your stomach, adding in more air than usual.

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