How to Get Rid of Gas and How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat For Women Fast


 How to Get Rid of Belly Fat 

Although more fat accumulates on the buttocks and thighs however, studies indicate that abdominal fat is accumulated, more leading to hypertension, high cholesterol levels, diabetes and insulin resistance syndrome and cardiovascular diseases,why scientists believe increase the width of the waist can be is a key indicator of underlying health problems.

Causes lead to flatulence
-Extravagance in food rich in fat and calories.
- swallowing air while eating as a result of eating quickly 
- eat a hearty meal last day.
- sleep after eating.
- excessive eating beans that cause bloating.

What is gas?

Gas (flatus) is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. All people pass gas, some people more than others. It is normal to pass gas from 6 to 20 times per day.

What causes gas?

Common causes of gas include:
 Swallowed air. If swallowed air is not burped up, it passes through the digestive tract and is released through the anus as flatus. Excessive air swallowing may cause hiccups.
  • Foods and beverages. The amount of gas that different foods cause varies from person to person. And the foods that produce gas with odor may be different for every person too.
  • Constipation. This can cause bloating but generally does not increase gas.
  • Medicines or nutritional supplements. Both prescription and nonprescription medicines, as well as dietary supplements, can cause bloating and gas as side effects.
  • A medical condition, such as a bowel obstruction or Crohn's disease.
  • Changes in hormone levels. It is common for women to have bloating right before their periods because their bodies retain fluid.

Seven Ways to Get Rid of Gas, Bloating


1- Keep a food diary. Beans are famous for causing childhood entertainment, but many other foods can cause gas too.  A sudden increase in fiber intake, while it may be healthy, can make it very dangerous to take long rides in the car (especially with others in the car).  Write down what you are eating and see if you can find the culprit.

2- Reduce dairy intake. People who are intolerant to the lactose sugar found in dairy products like milk and ice cream may want to limit their consumption of these calcium-rich products to yogurt or aged cheeses, which may not be as bothersome. Products such as Lactaid or Dairy Ease may also help.

3- Tighten dentures. Like chewing gum and drinking out of straw, loose dentures may cause people to too much air.

4- Avoid carbonated drinks, limit gum-chewing. The carbonation in soda and other carbonated beverages can cause bloating and discomfort. “When you drink something that’s carbonated, you’re taking in gas and that gas has to come back out,” Foxx-Orenstein said. Likewise, chewing gum causes the chewer to take in excess air. And the sorbitol used to sweeten sugarless gum can also cause digestive problems in some people, which can lead to gassiness.

6-Slow down. People who eat too fast or do a lot of talking while eating also take in lots of air. So slowdown and keep quiet, said Foxx-Orenstein.

7- Stop smoking. When you smoke, you take in air that is supposed to directly go to your lungs. However, since you're essentially inhaling air via your mouth, it is inevitable that some will find its way to your stomach, adding in more air than usual.

What is The Most Important Meal Of The Day!

Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Well the name "breakfast" gives us a good clue "break" - "fast". You are in essence breaking the fast you have been on whilst you were sleeping. It's the longest period your body and brain go without food. You could have gone 8-12 hours since you last had any food. Your blood sugar levels will be down and you will be in a catabolic state. That's why you're more likely to become tired in the morning. Most people think it's down to not having enough sleep which sometimes is the case but your lack of energy is down to the lack food in your body.

Having a couple more hours worth of sleep can sometimes be the worst thing to do because that's another few more hours that your body will go without replenishing it's energy supplies!
Don't Skip Breakfast!
Avoiding breakfast will not help with your losing weight goals. If you are skipping breakfast your body will store the fuel rather than burn it off because it's unsure when the next meal is going to arrive. Studies have shown that people tend to accumulate more body fat when they eat fewer, larger meals than when they eat the same number of calories in smaller, more frequent meals.
When you are eating breakfast as part of a healthy lifestyle. Your body knows it will be getting refuelled so will use the energy rather than storing. Breakfast is actually good for weight loss and will help you maintain a healthy weight if that is your goal. You will notice how much better you will feel by not skipping breakfast.
Missing Breakfast Could Cause Serious Health Problems
US doctors have proven through their research that skipping the first meal of the day increases the chance of becoming obese, developing diabetes and even having a heart attack. Their study showed that eating a healthy breakfast including such foods as whole-grain cereals every morning are likely to see benefits to their health.
The BBC reported that DR Mark Pereira and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School analysed the eating habits of 1,198 black people and 1,633 white participants. Overall, 47% of whites and 22% of blacks said they ate breakfast every morning.
They found that people who ate breakfast every day were a third less likely to be obese compared to those who skipped the meal.
In addition, they were half as likely to have blood-sugar problems, which increase the risk of developing diabetes or having high cholesterol, which is a known risk factor for heart disease. The researchers believe that eating first thing in the morning may help to stabilise blood sugar levels, which regulate appetite and energy.
They suggest people who eat breakfast are less likely to be hungry during the rest of the day and are, therefore, less likely to overeat. "Our results suggest that breakfast may really be the most important meal of the day," said Dr Periera. "It appears that breakfast may play an important role in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease."

What Is The Ideal Healthy Breakfast?
A healthy breakfast should always contain some protein and fibre. The protein can be in eggs, low fat meats, dairy, beans or a protein shake. The fibre can be in the form of whole grains, fruits or vegatables. A great example of a healthy breakfast could be something like a hard boiled egg, a banana, a bowl of whole grain cereal and a glass of orange.
Avoid white breads, pastries, syrups and sugary cereals because these are digested quickly and will leave you feeling tired and hungry again within a few hours. A breakfast containing protein and fibre will satisfy your hunger until your mid morning snack.
Start Your Day The Right Way
Remember it would be better to get up 30 minutes earlier and eat a healthy breakfast than to remain in bed. The breakfast would be so much better for your body and brain than missing breakfast and having that 30 minutes extra in bed. Get into the habit and before long you will see the difference.

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Top 3 Natural Remedies for Fast Acne Scar Removal!

Acne is something that a lot of people get affected by during their adolescence. Of course, some people become its victims even in adulthood, but such instances are usually rarer. Be it kids or adults, acne sure annoys everybody! The cause of annoyance is not so much the skin irritation caused by acne, which can be lessened with proper medicines, as are the ugly scars that are left on a person's body long after the acne is gone! While during the winter season you can hide your scars under the veil of warm clothes, there is no hiding them from others' eyes during the months of summer. Let us face it, when the summer hits, who does not want to go for a swim? So, is there are any way to get rid of these scars once and for all? There sure is, and that is exactly what I am going to discuss in this article.
Although expensive creams and surgeries can clear the acne scars from your face and body, I won't be recommending them here, not only because they are expensive, but also because most people would prefer to go for natural remedies when given a choice. Keeping that in mind, I would discuss only those natural remedies which are known to help with quick acne scar removal!
Lemon Juice: For a lot of people, lemon aids in digestion. That is because lemon contains powerful natural properties that help detoxify your body. Lemon is also a good natural remedy for getting rid of acne scars and blemishes. The treatment is simpler than you would think: squeeze the juice out of lemon and apply it to your face; some people would suggest washing your face within 15 minutes after its application, but I would recommend that you apply it at bedtime and leave it on your face overnight.
If your skin gets too dry and flaky as a result of the lemon juice treatment, you can add a little bit of honey to the juice. By the way, if you are going to apply it on your face at bedtime (as I suggested), then milk would be a better alternative to honey (as you might find it awkward to sleep with honey on your face).
Rose water with sandalwood: This is yet another natural treatment you can use to clear your acne stains and blemishes! Make a very thick paste out of sandalwood and rosewater, gently apply it to your face, and leave it overnight. You can wash your face in the morning using a mild soap and water!
Sometimes, you would want to alternate between the mild soap with a little bit of gram flour. Gram flour is known to be very powerful in removing ugly acne scars. For best results, you would want to keep gram flour within your reach, preferably secured in an air-tight jar inside your bathroom, so that every time you need a face wash, just open the jar, take some gram flour form it, mix it with water to paste a paste, and gently message your face with it. You can also apply this paste on the other parts of your body affected by acne scars, such as hands, legs, neck, etc.

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Eating Healthy Food to get healthy skin and healthy body.


  This is a list of a group  of my healthy food that i always  put it in my fridge and I advise you to put it too in yours :

red, yellow and orange peppers

purple cabbage , carrots , cauliflower , broccoli , zucchini




occasionally green beans, red potatoes, corn and peas.


granny smith apples






occasionally plums, nectarines, strawberries and peaches

limes and lemons for cooking

Whole grains, beans, nuts/seeds and pasta:

brown rice

black beans

high fiber organic cereals


soy nuts


sesame seeds


low fat sour cream

extra sharp cheddar cheese

rice milk


organic chicken


occasionally lean red meat




Cayenne pepper












A careful vegetable salad couple with black olive vinaigrette will suit your cravings for yummy but healthy food. is so easy to prepare, as easy as one, two, and three. One, to prepare the vinaigrette, you should mix all the mustard, the lemon juice, the garlic, the salt, the whisk vinegar, and the pepper. Then gradually, whisk them in oil. Then stir olives and possibly parsley for additional flavor.

here is some fast tips to do in you daily cooking :

Healthy cooking methods Stir-fry and sauté with olive oil or canola oil.
Oil is two main methods, as you should not dive your food pan and fry over.

 If you Cook chicken, remove skin and cook the Oven in foil. Instead of frying fish, you should always cook it.

Steamed vegetables reduce the Most of the nutrients.
 You should cream sauces or lots Butter and no more. If you eat vegetables try squeezing lemon juice on them or with your favorite spices.

How to make the right changes to your diet, always because it takes time to be routine. A healthy diet is always great for your body and Lifestyle, especially when it comes to your heart and the prevention of heart disease.

You should be concerned with your health so as not to waste

How you get healthy and beautiful skin naturually

How to Cleanse Your Colon Naturally Without Buying Colon Cleanser

What Causes Constipation? 

read this article .

Foods that Cleanse Your Colon

Foods that cleanse your colon can help you lose weight, regain health (like I did from Hep C), look and feel younger longer, and give you more energy and motivation. For that reason, a colon cleanse is often used as a Weight Loss   

Vegetables are foods that cleanse your colon, but can be a little tricky if your digestion isn't ready. Ideally, the best colon cleanse will have mostly raw veggies, but if your digestion needs help, start by eating raw veggies in a salad for lunch when your enzymes are at their strongest. Then eat steamed or cooked veggies for evening meal. By working with your body's natural digestive cycle, you will make your digestion stronger. If your digestion is strong, so is your body's ability to cleanse.
A Raw food diet may be what you're looking for if you would prefer to cleanse for a longer period of time without herbal supplements. This can include both fruits and vegetables and their juices, but may include raw seeds and grains. The raw food route will be more possible by using tools such as a juicer or food dehydrator. This takes some retraining in the kitchen, but if you start slow and learn more, it becomes easier.
Grains such as quinoa, amaranth, wild or basmati rice, and some whole grain sprouted breads may be compatible with a colon cleanse. No pasta are allowed during a cleanse as they will stop your body's natural cleansing process. Keep in mind that all grains will slow your cleansing process, so the more you eat, the slower you'll cleanse. This isn't so bad if you want to limit cleansing side effects.

How to Cleanse Your Colon

1-     Stop eating bread , humberger  and All food rich in carbohydrates.

2-     Drink plenty of water. This can restore the function of the colon to a great extent. It is also necessary in the processing of fiber.

3-     Purchase colon cleansing herbs from your local drugstore. Some herbs such as senna, fennel, garlic, cascara sagrada and psyllium have natural properties to remove fecal matter from the lining of the colon.

4-     Eat onions, garlic and bananas after your fast. These are natural probiotics that introduce friendly bacteria into your digestive tract and stimulate natural colon cleansing. You can also take probiotic supplements during your fast and afterwards if you don't eat adequate amounts of these foods.

5-     Prepare for you self  a soup very rich in nutrients component of onions , carrots , a,d all other beneficial vegetables .
6-     Eat a lot of fruits a lot .
7-     Drink about 3 littre of water not once but sporadic periods .
8-     Place the water bottle always neat to you .

Acne and Bacteria


Pimples are often caused by Propionebacterium acnes, a common bacterium on the skin that feeds on sebum. The bacteria cause the surrounding tissues to become inflamed and acne is formed. The acne bacteria feeds off this mixture which leads to inflamed conditions.
Acne-causing bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they cannot survive in an oxygenated environment. Bacteria called Corynebacterium acnes, which cause skin fats to break down into irritating chemicals, can also directly contribute to an outbreak.

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